Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hulk Hogan And Family Being Sued

The family of wrestler Hulk Hogan is being sued by the family of John Graziano the guy who was injured in Nick Hogan’s street racing crash last year. The lawsuit specifically names Hulk, Linda and Nick stating that they were negligent and directly liable for the accident.

John Graziano, 17-years-old, remains in critical condition in a Florida hospital and has not regained consciousness since the August 2007 accident. He was a passenger in Nick’s car when he was allegedly drag racing and lost control. The suit states that Hulk and Linda Hogan should be held legally responsible for their son’s accident.

What’s more damaging is that Hulk Hogan purchased alcohol for Nick and his friends the day of the accident and knew or should have known that Nick was driving under the influence and failed to take appropriate action.

John Graziano will require care for the rest of his life and his family is facing massive medical bills. It’s time for Hulk Hogan and family to step up to the plate and do what’s right.

That's your entertainment gossip for now.

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