Friday, April 25, 2008

Wesley Snipes $5 Million And Still Gets 3 Years In Jail

Today's entertainment gossip is that Action movie star Wesley Snipes surprised prosecutors yesterday by paying $5 million with 3 checks. The prosecutors were so surprised that at first they refused to take the money, but eventually did. However the money didn’t stop the judge in the tax evasion case from giving Snipes a 3-year jail sentence.

For almost 10 years Wesley Snipes has been haggling with revenue agents, criminal investigators and prosecutors over taxes Wesley said he didn’t owe. Yesterday Snipes not only paid the $5 million he also apologized and read this statement, "I am an idealistic, naive, passionate, truth-seeking, spiritually motivated artist, unschooled in the science of law and finance," Snipes said. He said his wealth and celebrity attracted "wolves and jackals like flies are attracted to meat." He called himself "well-intentioned, but miseducated."

Wesley Snipes was acquitted of five other charges, including felony tax fraud and conspiracy, that would've exposed him to 13 more years in prison.

That's your entertainment gossip for now.

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